PNB Balika Shiksha Fixed Deposit Scheme


  • All girls who pass class VIII from Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (irrespective of whether they belong to SC/ST) and enroll for class IX in State/UT Govt., Govt. aided or local bodies schools in the academic year 2008-09 onwards.
  • All SC/ST girls who pass class VIII and enroll for class IX in State/UT Govt., Govt. aided or local body schools in the academic year 2008-09 onwards.
  • Related to (i) and (ii) above the accounts should be of unmarried girls below 16 years of age as on 31st March on joining class IX.

Exclusions :

  • Students enrolled in Private unaided schools are to be excluded.
  • Students enrolled in schools run by Central Govt. are also excluded.

Terms & Conditions :

  • Initial Deposit Amount NIL for opening of Savings Account. The savings account is to be opened on receipt of a duly verified application with particular reference to the birth certificate issued by the School Head based on enrollment record.
  • Fixed Deposit Amount: Government of India would allow deposit of Rs. 3000/- in the name of eligible girl child and she would be eligible to withdraw it on reaching 18 years of age
  • Period of Deposit may be counted from the date of deposit to the date on which the girl child attains the age of 18 years.
  • Girl child receiving incentive may be entitled to draw the amount on attainment of 18 years of age.

Automatic Renewal :

Auto renewal shall be done for 30 days, until final disposal of funds only in the cases where directions are not received from the implementing agency on or before the due date of the fixed deposit. In other cases no auto renewal is to be allowed as the implementing agency will authorize the bank to transfer the matured amount from Fixed Deposit account to the Savings account in the name of the girl beneficiary.

Process of Withdrawal:

  • To be eligible to draw the matured amount a pre-condition would be for the beneficiary to pass class X Board Examination successfully.
  • On attaining 18 years of age and production of (a) Xth class pass certificate and (b) a Certificate from the Principal/Head of the School that the girl beneficiary has continued her studies for at least 2 years after enrollment in class IX.
  • The beneficiary will have to continue her study at least for 2 years in the secondary school after her enrolment in class IX in order to avail the benefit under the scheme. The principal/head of the school will furnish a certificate to this effect.

Loan/Advance :

No Loan/ Advance to be allowed against these deposits.


CARD rate of interest as applicable for normal Fixed Deposit scheme for various Tenors.

Premature Cancellation :

No premature withdrawal will be allowed. However, in the unfortunate event of the death of the student before attaining the age of 18 years, the amount of incentive will be transferred to the Central Govt. accounts.

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