Centralized Pension Processing Centre

Internet Banking

Punjab National Bank has centralized the payment of pension across all CBS branches by setting up a Centralized Pension Processing Centre (CPPC) to calculate at a central level the amount of pension payable to all pensioners drawing their pension from Punjab National Bank. Further, pension is credited to individual customer accounts online directly through CPPC subject to completion of all compliances and receipt of Life Certificate. All changes in pension payment parameters including arrears of DA etc. are also done centrally and arrears are calculated by CPPC.

Advantage to pensioner

As pension process is computerized , pensioner gets accurate and timely pension within the time framework specified by Govt.

Besides, delay in receipt of instructions from Pension Paying Authority on DA revision, payment and / or restoration of commutation etc. and in calculation thereof is eliminated/minimized.

categories of pensioners catered by us

  • Central Civil
  • Defence
  • State Govt
  • Other Corporate Employees
  • EPFO

Click here for Life Certificate Format

Click here for Pensioner details Certificate

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