in pursuance of section

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in persuance of the right to information act 2005, the information called for under section 4(1)(b) of the act in respect of punjab national bank is as under











Sec. 4(1)(b)(i)

Particulars of organisation, functions and duties


Name and address of the Organisation

(Click Here)


Head of the organization

(Click Here)


Vision, Mission and Key objectives

(Click Here)


Function and duties

Public can refer to the sections About us, The Banking Regulation Act,1949 ( and organisational structure in the Bank’s website, regarding relevant information.


Organization Chart

(Click Here)


(a) Any other details-the genesis, inception etc.

(Click Here)

(b) Committees/ Commissions constituted from time to time

BOARD, ACE, ACB, ALCO, CRMC, RMC, Customer Service Committee, IT Strategy Committee, MRMC etc. are constituted from time to time.


Sec. 4(1)(b)(ii)

Power and duties of its officers and employees


Powers and duties of officers (administrative, financial and judicial)

All the officers have certain financial powers and administrative powers depending upon their positions. The delegation of financial powers of various grades of officials is decided by the Board which are revised from time to time, depending upon the organization`s requirement and also Government / RBI guidelines. The concerned sanctioning authority takes a decision within their vested power.


Power and duties of other employees

The powers and duties of officers and employees are decided by the Board of Directors and in terms of Punjab National Bank Officer Employees` (Conduct) Regulations, 1977 and Memorandum of Understanding / Agreements with majority unions.


Rules/ orders under which powers and duty are derived and exercised.

Best Practice Code (Manual of Instructions) on all our products, periodical circulars, Hand books, Policy Guidelines etc., is made available to all employees for discharging various functions.


Work allocation

“All officers/workmen are allocated work/duties as per their position in Branches/Circle Offices/Zonal Offices/ Head Offices/Other offices etc. The same is being amended time to time as per administrative requirement.


Sec. 4(1)(b)(iii)

Procedure followed in decision making process


Process of decision making Identify key decision-making points

There is a well-defined system in the Bank regarding the decision making process. Financial decisions are taken at various levels by different officials depending upon their positions and also through committee approach. RAM/ iRAM/MCC/PLPs are being formed at different centres for sanction of loans. Branches will source the applications and forward them to the respective credit processing centre, for their consideration. Further, there is a well-defined organisational structure and a clear system of accountability and control system, which also take into account the RBI / CVC / SEBI guidelines. The guidelines are also available on


Final decision-making authority


Related provisions, acts, rules etc.


a. Time limit for taking a decision, if any



Time Norms for PLPs

Time Norms for Branches (GBBs)

Mortgage based loans (Housing Loan, OD/TL to Housing Loan borrowers for personal needs, My Property Loan, Reverse Mortgage)

5 Days

Education Loan

* 4 days for loans where mortgage is not required.

* 1 week for loans where mortgage is required

* 2 weeks for loans falling under powers of ZOCAC-I & above

Non Mortgage based loan viz. Vehicle, Gold, Personal, Pension Loans

3 Days

b. Time limit for taking a decision, if any-Credit Decision


Channel of supervision and accountability

(Click Here)


Sec. 4(1)(b)(iv)

Norms for discharge of functions


Nature of functions/ services offered



Time Norms for PLPs

Time Norms for Branches (GBBs)

Mortgage based loans (Housing Loan, OD/TL to Housing Loan borrowers for personal needs, My Property Loan, Reverse Mortgage)

5 Days

Education Loan

* 4 days for loans where mortgage is not required.

* 1 week for loans where mortgage is required

* 2 weeks for loans falling under powers of ZOCAC-I & above

Non Mortgage based loan viz. Vehicle, Gold, Personal, Pension Loans

3 Days


Norms/ standards for functions/ service delivery


Process by which these services can be accessed


Time-limit for achieving the targets


Process of redress of grievances


Sec. 4(1)(b)(v)

Rules, regulations, instructions manual and records for discharging functions


Title and nature of the record/ manual /instruction.

However, certain information on Deposit, Loan & other Products, scheme guidelines, eligibility etc., are available on our website


List of Rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records.


Acts/ Rules manuals etc.

Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders

(Click Here) (Click Here)


Sec. 4(1)(b)(vi)

Categories of documents held by the authority under its control


Categories of documents

These are mainly register of Shareholders/Record of the proceedings of the AGM, Annual Report / shareholding pattern, investors calendar Board Meeting and various Committee meetings, Documents, as required under law, rules and regulations, such as, Balance Sheets, record of the staff, documents executed by customers/ borrowers/ guarantors, contracts with third parties etc. are held by Bank. Annual Report / shareholding pattern, investors calendar of our Bank are made available on our website:


Custodian of documents/categories

(Click Here)


Sec. 4(1)(b)(viii)

Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority


a. Name of Boards, Council, Committee etc and their composition.

(Click Here)

b. Council, Committee etc.




Whether their meetings are open to the public?

Public are not entitled to participate on the above committee meetings and minutes are not accessible to public.

Public can also refer to the caption corporate governance for various committees under the Investor Info for more information about the committees. (Board of the Bank is constituted under the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970. Various committees, as per the requirements of the Bank, are formed as per the approval of the Board or by the top management, as per the powers delegated by the Board. Public are not entitled to participate in the meetings of the Board/ committees and minutes are not accessible to the public.)


Whether the minutes of the meetings are open to the public?


Place where the minutes if open to the public are available?

Not applicable


Sec. 4(1)(b)(ix)

Directory of officers and employees


Name and designation

(Click Here)


Sec. 4(1)(b)(x)

Monthly Remuneration received by officers & employees including system of compensation


List of employees with Gross monthly remuneration

(Click Here)


System of compensation as provided in its regulation

Remuneration of the Chairman & Managing Director as well as the Executive Director of the Bank is fixed by the Government of India.

As regards the remuneration of other officers / employees, the same is fixed as per the service regulations / settlements reached with unions.


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvi)

Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers


Name and designation of the public information officer (PIO), Assistant Public Information (s) & Appellate Authority

(Click Here)


Address, telephone numbers and email ID of each designated official.

(Click Here)


Sec. 4(2)

Number of employees against whom disciplinary action has been

(i) Pending for minor penalty or major penalty proceedings


(ii) Finalised for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings (FY 2023-2024)



Sec. 26

Programmes to advance understanding of RTI


Educational programmes

Information/ understanding about RTI Act 2005 is provided/ imparted in the following training programs:

1. Induction training programs for Management Trainees & Clerical staff.

2. Pre-promotion training program for officers & clerical staff, under specific categories, as per statutory guidelines.


Efforts to encourage public authority to participate in these programmes

Bank offers training to own staff, details are as follows:

1. Induction training programs for Management Trainees & Clerical staff.

2. Pre-promotion training program for officers & clerical staff, under specific categories, as per statutory guidelines.


Training of CPIO/APIO-
Year: 2017-18: No. of persons trained: 24
Year: 2018-19: No. of persons trained: 92
Year: 2019-20: No. of persons trained: 33
Year: 2020-21: No. of persons trained: 26
Year: 2022-23: No. of persons trained: 19

In the F.Y 2023-24, Training programme of 273 CPIOs and dealing officers were conducted.


Update & publish guidelines on RTI by the Public Authorities concerned

(Click Here)


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Sec. 4(1)(b)(xi)

Budget allocated to each agency including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made etc.


Total Budget for the public authority

Not applicable


Budget for each agency and plan & programmes

Not applicable


Proposed expenditures

Not applicable


Revised budget for each agency, if any

Not applicable


Report on disbursements made and place where the related reports are available

Not applicable


Funds released to various autonomous organizations/ statutory Oanizations/ attached offices/ Public Sector Enterprises/ Societies/ NGOs/ Corporations etc. should be put on the website on a quarterly basis and budgets of such authorities may be made accessible through links from the website of the Ministry/Department. If a subsidiary does not have a website then the budgets and expenditure reports of such subsidiary authority may be uploaded on the website of the principal Public Authority.

CSR Donations for FY 2020-21 - Click here


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvii)

Foreign and domestic tours


Budget–Not Applicable

Not applicable


Foreign and domestic Tours by ministries and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government and above, as well as the heads of the Department.
a) Places visited
b) The period of visit
c) The number of members in the official delegation
d) Expenditure on the visit

Not applicable


Information related to procurements
a) Notice/tender enquires, and corrigenda if any thereon,
b) Details of the bids awarded comprising the names of the suppliers of goods/ services being procured,

(Click Here)


Information related to procurements
c) The works contracts concluded – in any such combination of the above-and
d) The rate /rates and the total amount at which such procurement or works contract is to be executed.

(Click Here)


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xii)

Manner of execution of subsidy programme


Name of the programme of activity-


Objective of the programme

Not applicable


Procedure to avail benefits

Not applicable


Duration of the programme/ scheme

Not applicable


Physical and financial targets of the programme

Not applicable


Nature/ scale of subsidy /amount allotted

Not applicable


Eligibility criteria for grant of subsidy

Not applicable


Details of beneficiaries of subsidy programme (number, profile etc.)

Not applicable


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvii)

Discretionary and non-discretionary grants


Discretionary and non-discretionary grants/ allocations to State Govt./ NGOs/other institutions.


Annual accounts of all legal entities who are provided grants by public authorities

Not applicable


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xiii)

Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority


Concessions, permits or authorizations granted by public authority.


For each concessions, permit or authorization granted
a) Eligibility criteria
b) Procedure for getting the concession/ grant and/ or permits of authorizations
c) Name and address of the recipients given concessions/ permits or authorizations
d) Date of award of concessions /permits of authorizations

Not applicable


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvii)

CAG & PAC paras


CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATRs) after these have been laid on the table of both houses of the parliament.

Not applicable

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3. Publicity and Public interface


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvii)

Particulars for any arrangement for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation there of


Arrangement for consultations with or representation by the members of the public Relevant Acts, Rules, Forms and other documents which are normally accessed by citizens

(Click Here)


Arrangements for consultation with or representation by
a) Members of the public in policy formulation/ policy implementation


b)Day & time allotted for visitors and Contact details of Information & Facilitation Counter (IFC)
c) The Information & Facilitation Counter (IFC) shall be available for citizens on all working days during the business hours of the offices at the following addresses

(Click Here)


Public- private partnerships (PPP)

(i) Details of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), if any

Not applicable

(ii) Detailed project reports (DPRs)

Not applicable

(iii) Concession agreements

Not applicable

(iv) Operation and maintenance manuals

Not applicable

(v) Other documents generated as part of the implementation of the PPP

Not applicable

(vi) Information relating to fees, tolls, or the other kinds of revenues that may be collected under authorization from the government

Not applicable

(vii) Information relating to outputs and outcomes

Not applicable

(viii) The process of the selection of the private sector party (concessionaire etc.)

Not applicable

(ix) All payment made under the PPP project

Not applicable


Sec. 4(1)I

Are the details of policies / decisions, which affect public, informed to them?


Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public.

Banks quarterly results and annual results / reports are published in the Banks website periodically for information of public as well as shareholders which would give an idea about the policies of the bank and implementation thereof. Board of Directors, which formulates and implements its policy, also includes representatives nominated by Government of India. As per present arrangement the Shareholders can raise issues concerning policies & give suggestions in the Annual General Meetings which can relate to the policy of the Bank.


Outline the Public consultation process.


Outline the arrangement for consultation before formulation of policy.


Sec. 4(3)

Dissemination of information widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the public


Use of the most effective means of communication Internet (website)-


Sec. 4(1)(b)

Form of accessibility of information manual/ handbook

Information manual / handbook available in
(i) Electronic format

All the general information regarding deposits, advances and other services offered by the Bank are already available at the bottom in the following websites of the Bank-

Public may refer to our above websites regarding necessary information in the form of electronic format.

(ii) Printed format


Sec. 4(1)(b)

Whether information manual/ handbook available free of cost or not


List of materials available
(i) Free of cost.

(ii) At a reasonable cost of the medium.

A huge quantity of Information /materials is available on Bank websites: for citizens free of cost.

Link for following Information available on the Home Page of the corporate website.

About us, Corporate Mission, origin of PNB, organisational Structure, Subsidiaries Associates and JVs, CSR Activities, Contact us, Customer Care, Careers, Personal, NRI, Business, Agriculture & Rural, Deposit, Loans- Retail MSME Agriculture, Apply For OTS In NPA Accounts, Insurance, Government Business, Financial Inclusion ,Priority Sector, Corporate Loans, EXIM finance, Cash Management Services, Gold Card Scheme for Exporters, Doorstep Banking Services, LIBOR TRANSITION, FX RETAIL PLATFORM, Schemes / Products / Services, NRI Services, Help Desk For Forex Services, World Travel Card, Foreign Office Details, Trade Finance Redefined Portal, Depository Services, Mutual Funds, Merchant Banking, ASBA, PNB ONE, PNB VERIFY, OTP Based Aadhaar Seeding, Retail Internet Banking, Corporate Internet Banking, PNB Bharat BillPay, BHIM PNB (UPI), RTGS/NEFT/IMPS/ECS/NACH, Green PIN - Debit Card, Missed Call Services, E-Statement, SMS Banking, FinTech Initiatives,

KYC - AML Policy, Grievance Redressal Policy, Customer Compensation Policy, Model Policy on Bank Deposits, Cheque Collection Policy, Whistle Blower Policy for Bank, Customer Rights Policy, Policy for Door Step Banking Services, Social Media Policy, Policy for General Management of Branches, Interest Rates - Deposit, Interest Rates - Bulk Deposit, Interest Rates - Loans and Advances, Interest Rates - NRI, Fees and Services, Nomination Facilities, Deceased Claim cases, Locker Facility, List Of Panel Advocates, Base Branch Services, Right to Information Act, Vigilance, Regulatory Fair practice code, Senior Citizen, Citizen`s Charter, Banking Ombudsman, Unclaimed Accounts, Grievance Redressal related to Amalgamation etc.

PBBU Products & Services:

Fair Lending Practices Code:

Information related to Debit Cards:

Policies etc.
Path: PNB Corporate Website -> Customer Care -> Policies

Interest Rates:

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4. E. Governance


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvii)

Language in which Information Manual / Handbook Available



A user can view the information in English and Hindi language. A person can view the contents of the website in Hindi by clicking Hindi option given on top of the website.


Vernacular/ Local Language


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvii)

Last date of Annual updation

On the footer of Corporate Website Home Page.

Vernacular/ Local Language

Vernacular/ Local Language


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xiv)

Information available in electronic form


Details of information available in electronic form

All the general information regarding deposits, advances and other services offered by the Bank are already available at the bottom in the following websites of the Bank-

Public may refer to our above websites regarding necessary information in the form of electronic format.


Name/ title of the document/record/ other information


Location where available


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xv)

Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information


Name & location of the facility

The list of toll free numbers / telephone numbers has already been published on the website.

Public can also refer to the caption " customer care" in our Bank`s website for getting detailed information regarding helpline / toll free numbers, available in Punjab National Bank, for public reference 24 hour.


Details of information made available


Working hours of the facility


Contact person & contact details (Phone, fax email)


Sec.4(i) (b)(xvii)

Such other information as may be prescribed under section


Grievance redressal mechanism

(Click Here)


Applications Received:

Application Disposed:

(Click Here)


List of completed schemes/ projects/ Programmes


List of schemes/ projects/ programme underway


Details of all contracts entered into including name of the contractor, amount of contract and period of completion of contract

(Click Here)


Annual Report

(Click Here)


Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

(Click Here)


Any other information such as
a) Citizen’s Charter

Information is already available on the website following links will be provided:

b) Result Framework Document (RFD) .

c) Six monthly reports on the Performance against the benchmarks set in the Citizen’s Charter


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvii)

Receipt & Disposal of RTI applications & appeals


Details of application received and disposed.

Applications Received:

Application Disposed:

(Click Here)


Details of appeals received, and orders issued.

Appeals Received:

Appeals Disposed:

(Click Here)


Section 4(1)(d)

Replies to questions asked in the parliament


Details of questions asked, and replies given
For Lok Sabha Questions visit


Details of questions asked, and replies given
For Rajya Sabha Questions visit

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5. Information as may be prescribed


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvii)

Such other information as may be prescribed


Name & details of CPIOs & FAAs

(Click Here)


Details of third-party audit of voluntary disclosure
(a) Dates of audit carried out: November 2018
(b) Report of the audit carried out: Available at CIC website: Path: Resources -> Transparency Audit of Disclosures u/s 4 of the Right to Information Act by the Public Authorities.
(c) Transparency Audit Report 2019-20



Appointment of Nodal Officers-

(a) Name and designation of the officer

Sh. Mohan Lal Singla (Chief Manager)


(b) Consultancy committee of key stakeholders for advice on suo-moto disclosure-

For taking a decision when an application has been received by the CPIO at HO u/s 11 of the RTI Act, 2005, or when policy, strategic, commercial or other important information is concerned, a committee comprising of the following officers shall be formed who shall be competent to take a decision on whether permission to disclose the information sought should be allowed or not, including decision on filing of appeal before the appellate authority & writs in the HC/SC:

Details of members



Quorum of the committee shall be three with at least one Permanent Member



The above committee shall also be empowered to decide on any matter referred to it pertaining to RTI which involves the Bank as a whole, including challenging the decisions of CIC, approaching the High Courts or Hon’ble Supreme Court etc. These matters may arise out of dealings with RBI, MoF, CIC IBA, SEBI, Courts, Tribunals, other statutory and regulatory bodies etc. Decisions on matters of sensitive nature pertaining to RTI Act, 2005 shall also be decided by the committee. Matters pertaining to compliance of the orders of CIC w.r.t. penalty imposed on CPIO for not furnishing information under RTI Act shall also be decided by committee.

(v) Committee of PIOs/FAAs with rich experience in RTI to identify frequently sought information under RTI

Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) at Head Office

Sh. E.J Jerome John

(Dy. General Manager)

Punjab National Bank

Head office, Law Division

(Right to Information Cell)

3rd Floor, East Wing

Plot No.4, Sec-10, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075

Phone: 011 – 28044540

Email :

First Appellate Authority (FAA) at Head office.

Sh. Pulin Kumar Pattanaik

(General Manager)

Punjab National Bank

Head office, Law Division

(Right to Information Cell)

3rd Floor, East Wing

Plot No.4, Sec-10, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075

Phone: 011 – 28044540

Email :

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6. Information Disclosed on own Initiative


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvii)

Item / information disclosed so that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to obtain information-Bank has uploaded a host of information in Bank’s website with a view of to provide maximum information in Public Domain e.g. Corporate Governance, Investor relations, contact us, Customer care, careers, Interest rates, Information relating to Personal Banking, Agricultural / Rural Banking, NRI Services, International Banking, SME Products etc.

6.1.1 Suo Moto Disclosures – HR Disclosures

(Click Here) (Click Here)


Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvii)

Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) is followed (released in February 2009 and included in the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedures (CSMOP) by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, Govt. Of India


Whether STQC certification obtained and its validity.

Not applicable


Does the website show the certificate on the Website? .

Not applicable


Suo Motu Disclosure-Third Party Audit Compliance- Acquisition on Premises on Lease / Rental Basis

PIHU- Pnb's Instant Help for you