Forex service offered to Exporters and Importers

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Forex service offered to Exporters and Importers

Forex services offered to Exporters and Importers

Services Offered To Exporters

  • Pre-shipment finance in foreign currency and Indian rupees
  • Post-shipment finance in foreign currency and Indian rupees
  • Handling export bills on collection basis
  • Outward remittances for purposes as permitted under Exchange Control guidelines
  • Inward remittances including advance payments
  • Quoting of competitive rates for transactions
  • Maintenance of Exchange Earners Foreign Currency (EEFC) accounts
  • Assistance in obtaining credit reports on overseas parties
  • Services Offered To Importers
  • Establishment of Import Letters of Credit covering import into India and handling of bills under Letter of Credit
  • Handling of import bills on collection basis
  • Remittance of advance payment against imports
  • Offering utilisation of PCFC ( pre-shipment credit in foreign currency) for imports
  • Credit reports on overseas suppliers

Interest rates in respect of Export Credit

Crystallization of Export Bill

  • FX-Retail:The portal customized by CCIL available in our Website where direct access to the interbank market is available even for small value transactions. Customer can buy/sell foreign exchange (USD/INR) directly using the portal by creating user ID and password.
  • Trade Finance Redefined Portal:In this portal Export customers can scan and send documents directly to bank assures better turnaround time and simultaneously offering a host of other features like information Dash Board, real time tracking transactions/application status etc.
  • For Ease of forex services we have four Trade Finance Center at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai
  • All inward remittances are centrally process through our International Service Branch at Delhi.

PNB Sets Up Connectivity With The Customs Deptt. For The Benefit Of Exporters/Importers

To provide efficient service to our importer/exporter clients, PNB has set up connectivity with the Customs Department to facilitate payment of custom duty and receipt of duty draw back by the importer/exporter clients through the electronic media. Under this system of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Custom Authorities process the shipping bills and also effect on line payment of duty draw back for exporters. Further, they undertake processing of Bill of Entry and deposit of custom duty for imports.

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