Home Loans

Turn your dream of owning a home into reality with PNB Bank Home Loans. Whether you are buying an apartment, constructing a house or renovating your home, we have the right Home Loan for you. Apply online for your PNB Bank Loan today!

Housing Loan For Public
Housing Loan
For Public

To ensure availability of Housing Loan at attractive rates and ensure a house for all.

Digital Housing Loan
Digital Housing Loan

Digital Housing Loan

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Housing Finance Scheme For Public - PNB Max-Saver
PNB Max-Saver – Housing Finance Scheme for Public

Deposit their surplus funds in the overdraft account; and withdraw the same (up to the drawing power) at their choice as per their needs

Scheme For Financing Of Rooftop Solar Power Systems

For installation of new rooftop solar power system at residential house with maximum capacity up to 10 kw

Credit Risk Guarantee
Credit Risk Guarantee Home Loan Scheme For Individuals With Low Income Under Ews/lig/mig Category In Urban And Metro Areas
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Urban 2.0 (PMAY-U 2.0)
PNB Pride Housing Loan For Government Employees
Housing Loan for PNB Pride Customers

To ensure availability of Housing Loan at attractive rates and ensure a house for all government employees.

PNB Gen-Next Housing Finance Scheme For Public
PNB Gen-Next – Housing Loan for Salaried

Providing housing finance to Gen-Next salaried class borrowers such as IT Professionals, PSBs/PSUs/Govt. Employees to have a decent home.

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